Tuesday, June 5, 2007

My Son And I

Time really flies fast.Five years ago I was wearing this body fit T-shirt.Now my second son is wearing it.No doubt the T-shirt fits smartly on him,I had to admit that I 'am no longer young now.

His height is nearly as tall as me(5'7") and still growing.He told me he is the tallest boy in the class (Form 1)and was chosen a prefect by his form teacher.He plays tennis and his old man,,,,,,,,,,,me!!! Is still learning......... How to blog?:D:D:D


Selba said...

WOW... your son is even taller than me :)

How old is he?

aawilliam said...

Selba,He's only 13,his elder bro,5'10" and 16 years old.Families of GIANTS.They are still GROWINGGGGGG.